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藤森神社の「あじさい祭」へ/Fujinomori Shrine Visit with Students

Writer's picture: YuriYuri

#藤森神社 は「あじさいの宮」として有名です。今日は日本語を勉強している学生さんたちと藤森神社へ行ってきました。

#Fujinomori Shrine is famous as Hydrangea Palace. Today we did a tour in this shrine with exchange students who are learning Japanese language.

藤森神社/Fujinomori Shrine


We talked about the history of this Fujinomori Shrine, and learned it has special power for victory. Since they're learning Japanese, we covered lots of overlapping meanings such as "shobu"-iris and fight (victory), "fuji"--wisteria and never die. Some said Mt. Fuji, but not this time!

通訳案内士/tour guide


Hydrangeas are seasonal in June in rainy season and the Japanese appreciate a lot, but in the past, we didn't.

通訳案内士/tour guide


#あじさい の花びらに見えるピンクの部分は花ではありません。みなさん驚いていました。

Pink petals are not a real flower. The dots in the middle are the flower of #hydrangeas. This fact surprised them a lot.

通訳案内士/tour guide


The color difference comes from the acidity of the soil. We shared what color of hydrangeas are major in each student's country.


Of course we never forgot to take photos.

通訳案内士/tour guide


Thank you for joining the tour!


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