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Writer's pictureYuri

圓光寺の散紅葉と十牛之庭/Fallen Maple Leaves In Enkoji Temple And Its Garden


December gives us cold wind and air, but still we feel warm under the sun. I visited Enkoji Temple on Dec 9th to enjoy the beautiful weather.

圓光寺/ Enkoji

紅葉も終盤で、人はまばら。それでもそれぞれの方が思い思いに写真を楽しんでいたり、縁側でしばしお庭を眺めたりしていました。 It's almost the end of the autumn season and there wasn't many people. Still a few enjoyed taking photos and sitting down inside in front of the garden.

圓光寺/ Enkoji

11月半ばに訪れたときは、 ウォーカープラスというウェブ媒体の京都の紅葉特集1位を獲得していたこともあってか、若いカップルや学生さんと思しき方が多く見られましたが、この日は訪問される層に目立った特徴はありませんでした。

When I visited in November before, this temple marked NO.1 on a famous Japanese web site for youngsters, so lots of young couples and students were coming after and after. However this time, various generations were here.


Enkoji Temple is well-known for its garden. The main garden is showing how people attain enlightenment with a story of a boy and a cow. This garden was taken an inspiration from a series of 10 pictures.


It is a teaching from Buddhism that I'd like to share.

圓光寺十牛の庭/ Enkoji


A boy starts his journey to find a cow.


On the long way he sees footprints, its shape, he caught it at last. He got what he was chased, but he is not very satisfied, because it might be gone someday or run away from him. The cow is very calm but occasionally when it's upset, he cannot control.


Day by day, he learns how to live in harmony, and he went back home with the cow.


This is a metaphor of a life. We set a goal, make an effort, but sometimes we give up. This represents a cow. The teaching is that we got to realize the cow is in our mind and we originally know what we are.


Still we look for a cow anyhow, struggle desperately. But this is important. Without making an effort, we would've not realize yourself. After hard time, we go back to what we were but it's a big difference from that we didn't do anything.

圓光寺/ Enkoji


Attaining enlightenment is normally the ultimate purpose, but interestingly this story goes on.


It says we don't have to stick with our enlightenment. Because we already got good experience of suffering from learning the real meaning of goals and happiness, we don't have to intentionally think about it anymore. Our soul knows properly.


What we need to do now is to be nice to others, not as a sacred person, just be ourselves. Then we start a good chain of happiness around us.


The famous small statue smiles as if he knows everything.

圓光寺/ Enkoji


I myself felt happy to spend time here.

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