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秋の詩仙堂①/Shisendo in Autumn①

Writer's picture: YuriYuri

#詩仙堂 は、美しい四季折々の光景と、静かに過ごせるひとときが人気のお寺です。

#Shisendo is a famous and popular temple for its beautiful scenery in each season, and for quiet moment to calm down yourself.

詩仙堂/ Shisendo


This time when I visited in the Sunday afternoon, I could fully enjoy without anybody for a while.


Jozan Ishikawa chose this location of Shisendo as a place after his retirement.


He was renowned for his talent in literary art such as making Chinese-style poems and calligraphy.


It’s not too much to say that Shisendo is very ideal for the Japanese as this was designed to be a paradise for such an talented person.


Indeed, every moment here is beautiful no matter what weather it is.


When I got to the temple at first, it was cloudy but soon after 30 minutes, it turned to be sunny. I felt the garden changed slightly by the sunlight and realized how people had enjoyed plenty of time in front of nature without getting tired of the same view. Even though the items have been the same, the feelings or the impressions you get are always different.

詩仙堂/ Shisendo



You can enjoy small autumn flowers, now.

In the next post, let’s talk more details about them.

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